Thursday 8 November 2012

Kylie Minogue- Flower Micro Element

Another micro element which i would very much like to incorporate in our music video is a cross dissolve. This gives a soft touch onto the video, and i would particularly like to use it when the girl in the video will be walking so we can track her feet from A to B but give another touch to it. In this video 'Flower' by Kylie minogue, the cross dissolve is used whilst she is lip syncing so that it gives the impression of some time passing possibly. It looks effective and adds to the authenticity as it is also in black and white which is another element which i could consider using. 

In this screen shot you can clearly see the cross dissolve transition used. I have also looked this up on youtube and found a really helpful tutorial on how to add in cross dissolves like this one that was used in the video.          

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